
Ingrown toenail (onychocryptosis) is the state where
the nail grows into the surrounding flesh, causing
inflammation and pain. It commonly occurson the big toe,
and approximately 26 out of 1,000 individuals annually
experiences discomfort from it. Ingrown toenails are considered
a serious medical condition, especially for patients with diabetes
or peripheral vascular disease.

Stages of Ingrown Toenail

Stage 1

Mild pain, redness,
and swelling.

Stage 2
Inflammation Aggravation

Inflammation and
pain worsen.

Stage 3
Pus and Odor

The surrounding becomes yellowish and
festering with discharge and foul odor

Stage 4
Impaired Mobility

Imbalance in walking
due to pain and swelling.

Stage 5
Secondary Infection

Risk of purulent inflammation
and complications

What Makes it Special

Conventional Methods

Customized / Personalized Treatment

The Key Points for Improving Ingrown Toenail

Improvement of Ingrown Tonail Medical Device

It is sterilized to reduce the risk of secondary infection,
providing non-surgical treatment.

Non-surgical Treatment [For Professionals]

Correction for ingrown toenails and deformed shapes
based on accurate diagnosis by a healthcare professional.

Faster Procedure and Enhanced Usability

Convenient and easy procedure, using S-wire with low chances
of detachment. Reduced device size to improve discomfort.


OnychoClip is a medical device composed of S-wire and O-rings

  • Session Cycle : Once every 2 weeks
  • Treatment Duration : 30 to 40 minutes
  • Total Sessions : 3 to 4 sessions

Head Office

Seoul Office